Legal Notice


Brokerage company approved by the Commissariat aux Assurances

Legal Deposit

ASSURANCES-CONSEILS Luxemburg S.A. is a brokerage company approved by the Commissariat aux Assurances under number 2005CM012 and registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number B109810.

The website is in property of ASSURANCES-CONSEILS Luxemburg S.A.
76 Bld de la Pétrusse – L2320 Luxemburg.
Managing Director: Jean-Philippe HUBSCH
Editorial and publication manager: Olivier Alfonsi


Telkea Telecom SA
1 rue de Bitburg - L-1273 Luxemburg

© Copyright 2020

The presentation and content of this website taken together, constitute a work protected by the laws in force on intellectual property. No reproduction, commercial use and / or representation, in whole or in part, may be made without the prior written consent of ASSURANCES-CONSEILS LUXEMBURG S.A.
The name and logos, as well as the slogans, are the property of ASSURANCES-CONSEILS LUXEMBURG S.A.
Any reproduction, use and / or modification that is made without the prior written consent of ASSURANCES-CONSEILS LUXEMBURG S.A. may constitute an infringement.
It will not engage in any way the responsibility of the authors.


The graphic design of the site is made by Rodolphe Joannes under Canvas license.
Photos and videos under Adobe Stock license - Gajus - Manusapon - Boyhey - Mertkantekin - Mehizm - Nattapol_Sritongcom - Vlad Chorniy - Yana.


When consulting the ASSURANCES-CONSEILS.LU website, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile or tablet.
The only cookies used by this website are those intended for audience measurement and do not collect personal data. Audience measurement tools are deployed to obtain information on visitor navigation by Google Analitycs. Audience measurement providers are likely to communicate this data to third parties in the event when required to do so by law, in case of legal obligation, or when these third parties process this data on their behalf.

ASSURANCES-CONSEILS LUXEMBURG S.A. may collect and process data in accordance with the European regulations, in order to get to know you better and to enable us to answer you in terms of insurance proposals.
They are never the subject of resale or transmission to a third party for a commercial purpose other than the proposition of insurance solutions.
You can contact our services at any time at the following address for the purpose of rectification or communication of your data: However, if you were not satisfied with the response received, you have the possibility to lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Authority: CNPD National Data Protection Commission (Commission Nationale pour la Protection des Données)
1, avenue du Rock’n’Roll
L-4361 Esch-sur-Alzette
Phone : (+352) 26 10 60 -1